Joe l'implacabile

发布时间:2024-05-17 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:AntonioMargheriti 年代:1967 地区:意大利 / 西班牙
简介:In order to put an end to the numerous ambushes on the gold transports which are a real menace to the finances of the American government, the agent Joe Ford, called Dynamite Joe due to his liking for explosives, is entrusted with controlling the next transfer. Joe has a carriage built entirely of g... 详情>>

Joe l'implacabile剧情介绍

In order to put an end to the numerous ambushes on the gold transports which are a real menace to the finances of the American government, the agent Joe Ford, called Dynamite Joe due to his liking for explosives, is entrusted with controlling the next transfer. Joe has a carriage built entirely of gold, but evil forces are told of the plan and an alliance is made with the bandit El Sol in order to get hold of the gold.