
发布时间:2024-05-18 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:RudolfZehetgruber,GianfrancoParolini 年代:1967 地区:西德 / 意大利 / 法国
简介:One of Tony and Brad's best with the boys on the hunt for a treasure of missing LSD that has been stolen by a criminal organization. Their quest eventually leads the boys to far-off desert oil ruins where much of the film's best action occurs. The scene where Tony hides in a bathtub with a t... 详情>>


One of Tony and Brad's best with the boys on the hunt for a treasure of missing LSD that has been stolen by a criminal organization. Their quest eventually leads the boys to far-off desert oil ruins where much of the film's best action occurs. The scene where Tony hides in a bathtub with a totally naked gorgeous gal is playfully erotic.