
发布时间:2024-05-19 上映日期: 评分:7.2
导演:JosephLosey 年代:1968 地区:英国
简介:Taylor plays Leonora, a prostitute despondent over the death of her daughter. Mia Farrow is Cenci, a lonely young woman who is immediately attracted to Leonora and practically adopts her as her mother. Albert (Robert Mitchum), Cenci's stepfather, intrudes into this make-believe mother and daught... 详情>>


Taylor plays Leonora, a prostitute despondent over the death of her daughter. Mia Farrow is Cenci, a lonely young woman who is immediately attracted to Leonora and practically adopts her as her mother. Albert (Robert Mitchum), Cenci's stepfather, intrudes into this make-believe mother and daughter relationship, and tragedy ensues.