
发布时间:2024-05-03 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:LefterisParasyris 年代: 地区:英国
简介:Latent follows a night in the life of Philip Byrne, a London-based photographer. Philip finds his next photographic subject in the face of a mysterious woman who leads him through empty streets and remote alleys. As the events unfold, his senses wander into the darker spaces of his mind, unearthing ... 详情>>


Latent follows a night in the life of Philip Byrne, a London-based photographer. Philip finds his next photographic subject in the face of a mysterious woman who leads him through empty streets and remote alleys. As the events unfold, his senses wander into the darker spaces of his mind, unearthing a side to himself that he never knew he had. Latent is an urban Psychological Thriller, set in the developing tray of London night.