Zobena Ēnā

发布时间:2024-05-19 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:ImantsKrenbergs 年代: 地区:苏联
简介:Inspired by legend of Turaidas Roze.   Year 1620. Land is ridden by famine, plague and attacks of foreign soldiers. Maija, the granddaughter of Kača, is working as a maid for castle lord's daughter.   Mercenary officer named Jakubovskis wants to gain Maija's love, but she wants to get marrie... 详情>>

Zobena Ēnā剧情介绍

Inspired by legend of Turaidas Roze.   Year 1620. Land is ridden by famine, plague and attacks of foreign soldiers. Maija, the granddaughter of Kača, is working as a maid for castle lord's daughter.   Mercenary officer named Jakubovskis wants to gain Maija's love, but she wants to get married with her beloved Kaspers. Jakubovskis keeps trying to win Maija's heart but she chooses death.