
发布时间:2024-05-14 上映日期: 评分:暂无
导演:ChristoChristov,托多尔·迪诺夫 年代:1969 地区:保加利亚
简介:In late 19th century, a carver-cutter arrives in a little town to make the iconostasis of the newly built church. He is being accommodated in the house of a respected family. He is working slowly because of his love for the daughter of his hosts. They resist in every possible way and pay a high pric... 详情>>


In late 19th century, a carver-cutter arrives in a little town to make the iconostasis of the newly built church. He is being accommodated in the house of a respected family. He is working slowly because of his love for the daughter of his hosts. They resist in every possible way and pay a high price: Their daughter dies. Though in despair, the master completes the iconostasis: a masterpiece the locals perceive as a heresy. And he leaves once again without any destination.