



  赵鼎新,男,1953年生,上海市人,美国 芝加哥大学社会学系终身教授。兼任芝加哥大学东亚研究中心主任、芝加哥大学中国研究委员会主席、北美中国社会学家协会主席,复旦大学社会科学高等研究院兼职教授、中国人民大学吴玉章讲座教授、北京大学社会学系客座教授、清华大学社会学系访问教授、上海高校社会学E-研究院特聘研究员。



  1994-1996 Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, McGill University.


  1990-1995 Department of Sociology, McGill University. Degree obtained: Ph.D.



  1986-1990 Department of Entomology, Macdonald College of McGill University. Degree obtained: Ph.D.


  1982-1984 Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Chinese Academy of Science. Degree obtained: M.Sci.


  1978-1982 Department of Biology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Degree obtained: B.Sci.



2005-Present Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago.


2003-2005年 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago.

2003-2005年 美国芝加哥大学社会学系副教授。

1996-2003年 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago. (1999: Tenuer)

1996-2003年 美国芝加哥大学社会学系助理教授(1999年获终身教职)。

2017年11月 赵鼎新出任浙江大学公共管理学院社会学系主任。



  赵鼎新教授主要兴趣方向是宽广定义下的 政治社会学,特别是社会与政治运动 ,主要学术观点有结构、话语、变迁三个解释社会与政治运动的超级机制、运动动员的地理生态学视角等。他同时对比较历史社会学、情感社会学、生态社会学、社会学理论与社会学方法感兴趣。他在社会学领域的研究成果主要发表在《美国社会学杂志》、《美国社会学评论》、《社会力量》、《社会学视角》、《中国研究季刊》以及国内出版的《社会学研究》等刊物上。专著The Power of Tiananmen于2001年由芝加哥大学出版社出版,相继获得美国社会学学会2001年度亚洲研究最佳图书奖以及2002年度集体行动和社会运动研究最佳图书奖。


  Sociology of the State 国家的社会学理论

  Social and Political Movements 社会与政治运动

  Democracy and Social Sciences 民主与社会科学

  Statistics 社会统计学

  Sociology of China 中国社会

  Revolutions and Rebellions in Twentieth-Century China 二十世纪中国的革命与反叛

  War and State Formation in Early China 中国早期的战争与国家形成

  Ecological Sociology 生态社会学

  Historical Sociology, Early State Formation, Sociological Methods and Biological Foundation sociology related courses such as Nationalism, Media and Society, Social Change, and Economic Development.



  Zhao, Dingxin. 2001. The Power of Tiananmen: State-Society Relations and the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. The University of Chicago Press.





  徐进、赵鼎新:政府能力和万历年间的民变发展 ,《社会学研究》,2007年第1期。

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2010. “Theorizing the Role of Culture in Social Movements: Illustrated by Protests and Contentions in Modern China.” Social Movement Studies. 9: 33-50.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2009. “The Mandate of Heaven and Performance Legitimation in Historical and Contemporary China.” American Behavioral Scientist. 53: 416-433.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2009. “Authoritarian Regime and Contentious Politics.” Pp.459-76, in Handbook of Politics: State and Society in Global Perspective, edited by Kevin T. Leicht and Craig C. Jenkins. Springer Science.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2008. “Organization and Place in the Anti-U.S. Demonstrations after the 1999 Belgrade Embassy Bombing.” Mobilization. 14: 405-428.

  Yu, Zhiyuan, and Dingxin Zhao. 2006. “Differential Participation and Nature of a Movement: A Study of the 1999 Anti-U.S. Beijing Student Demonstrations.” Social Force. 84: 1755-1777.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2005. "The Myth of Five-hegemons: Wars and Political Development during East Zhou China." Historical Research. Accepted.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2005 "A Critical Analysis on the Development of the Western Theories of Social Movements and Revolutions: A Chinese Synthesis." Sociological Studies. No.115: 168-209.

  Zhao, Dingxin 2004. "Spurious Causation in a Historical Process: War and Bureaucratization in Early China." American Sociological Review 69: 603-607.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2003. "Nationalism and Authoritarianism: Student-Government Conflicts during the 1999 Beijing Student Protests after the Belgrade Embassy Bombing." Asian Perspective. 27(1): 5-34.

  Zhao, Dingxin. 2002. "The 1999 Anti-US Demonstrations and the Nature of Student Nationalism in China Today." Problems of Post-Communism. 49 (November/December): 16-28.

  Zhao Dingxin. 2002 "An Angle on Nationalism in China today: Attitudes among Beijing Students after Belgrade 1999." China Quarterly. No.172: 49-69.

  Zhao, Dingxin 2002. Problems of Nationalism in Current China: Student-Government Conflicts during the Nationalistic Protests. In Collaboration and Confrontation: Chinese Society and Nationalism, edited by C.X. George Wei and Xiaoyuan Liu. Greenwood Press.

  Zhao, Dingxin 2001. China’s Prolonged Stability and Political Future: same political system, different policies and methods. Journal of Contemporary China 10: 427-44.

  Zhao, Dingxin 2000. State-Society Relations and Discourses and Activities of the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. American Journal of Sociology 105: 1592-1632.

  Zhao, Dingxin 1999. State Legitimacy, State Policy, and the Development of the 1989 Beijing Student Movement. Asian Perspective, 23:245-84

  Zhao, Dingxin 1998. Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement in Beijing. American Journal of Sociology, 103: 1493-529.

  Zhao, Dingxin 1997. Decline of Political Control in Chinese Universities and the Rise of the 1989 Chinese Student Movement. Sociological Perspectives, 40: 159-182.



