
简介: 康进武,男,1970年生,河北省辛集市人,博士,清华大学机械工程系副教授,属于材料加工工程及自动化研究所、清华大学先进成形制造重点实验室重大装备制造分室。先进铸造技术中心骨干。发表论文100多篇,参与专著编写4本,软件著作权1项。专业特长:铸造、热处理及其模拟仿真。



1985.8---1988.7 辛集河北中学

1988.8—1992.7,东北工学院, 材料科学与工程系金属材料及热处理专业,学士




1998. 12---至今,清华大学机械工程系,教师


2001.5---2003.1 美国伍斯特理工学院(Worcester PolytechnicInstitute),Research Scientist


1. “砂型铸造过程数值模拟研究开发与工程应用”2002年北京市科技进步奖二等奖和2001年清华大学科技成果推广应用效益显著专项奖

2. 机械工程学报创刊50周年优秀论文奖、中国科学优秀论文奖(2003年,柳百成、康进武、赵海东,Study on Macro and Micro Modeling on Solidification Process of Shaped Casting,Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2002,15(3))

3. 第十一届全国优秀科技图书奖二等奖 (柳百成,荆涛,黄天佑,熊守美,李文珍,许庆彦,康进武,铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制,,机械工业出版社,2001。)










1)十一五科技支撑计划课题 “大型铸锻件共性技术研究”中子课题 “大型铸钢件铸造缺陷机理研究及控制”负责人

2)厚大断面铸钢件热裂缺陷预测研究 先进成形制造教育部重点实验室开放基金 2006-2008 负责人


4)与日本三菱重工合作项目Development of prediction technique for casting crack and casting deformation等6项国际合作项目2007-2010 负责人

5)与美国Worcester Polytechnic Institute的Study on the Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and the Prediction of Microstructure and Properties During Quenching and Tempering Process等2项国际合作项目2003-2005 负责人

6)十一五科技支撑计划课题 “大型水电机组关键铸锻件制造技术研究”,2008-2010。骨干

7) 973项目“数字化制造基础研究”课题5:先进成形制造过程的多尺度数字仿真与优化(2006-2008年)骨干

8)“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”(04专项)课题“铸造、锻造宏/微观模拟软件研究开发与工程应用”(2009-2010) 骨干


论文共计100多篇,SCI收录11篇,EI收录51篇, ISTP:15篇,软件著作权1项。参加4本专著的编写。

1. J.-W. Kang, H.-M. Long, T.-J. Wang, T.-Y. Huang and B.-C. Liu, Evaluation of distortion of castings, International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2011 VOL 24 NO3/4,228-232

2. Jinwu Kang, Xiaokun Hao, Gang Nie, Haimin Long, Hailiang Yu and Tianyou Huang, Evaluation Of The Distortion Of A Hydro Turbine Blade During Heat Treatment Process, Shape Casting: The 4 International Symposium, (Edited By Murat Tiryakioglu, John Compbell And Paul N. Crepeau) Proceedings of 140th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition San Diego, USA, 27 Feb.- March 3., 2011, 257-263

3. Jinwu Kang, Ran Zhang, Tianyou Huang and Baicheng Liu. Stress Analysis And Deformation Prediction Of A Heavy Hydraulic Turbine Blade Casting In Heat Treatment Process Collected Proceedings of 139th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition Seattle, USA, 14-18 Feb., 2010,553-561

4. Liu Baicheng, Kang jinwu, Huang tianyou,Stress Analysis And Deformation Prediction Of A Heavy Hydraulic Turbine Blade Casting During Casting And Heat Treatment Processes ,4th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Computer Simulation,31 May - 2 June 2010, Shanghai, CHINA(plenary speech)

5. Kang J.W., Zhang J.F., Liu B.C., Huang T.Y. Improved thermal stress analysis for castings. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2008, 21(1u20134): 324-329. (SCI)

6. Kang J.W., Huang T.Y. , Liu B.C. Review of production status of heavy steel castings and key technologies for their manufacture in china. China Foundry, 2008,5(1):1-6. ( SCI)

7. J. Kang, J. Zhang, B. Liu and T. Huang,Improved thermal stress analysis for castings,International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2008, 21(1u20133), 424-429

8. Kang Jinwu, Huang Tianyou And Liu Baicheng, Review Of Production Status Of Heavy Steel Castings And Key Technologies For Their Manufacture In China, China Foundry, 2008,5(1),1-6

9. Xu Yan, Kang Jinwu,Huang Tianyou, Hu Yongyi,Thermal Stresses In A Cylinder Block Casting Due To Coupled Thermal And Mechanical Effects,Tsinghua Science And Technology,2008,13(2),132-136EI081311176514

10. J. F. Zhang,J. W. Kang, B. C. Liu, Study on Dynamic Measurement of Thermal Stress During Solidification of a Casting Specimen,Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 1841-1844

11. L. He,J. Kang, T. Huang, Effects of T6 Heat Treatment with Residual Heat of Casting on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 319 Aluminium Alloy Castings, MS&T07 Material Science And Technology 2007 Conference And Exhibition, September 17-19, 2007, Detroit, Michigan

12. LIU Xiao-gang,KANG Jin-wu, HUANG Tian-you, LIU Bai-cheng,THERMAL STRESS SIMULATION CONSIDERING MECHANICAL INTERACTION BETWEEN CASTING AND MOLD,TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2007,March, Orlando, US.

13.Jinwu Kang,Yiming Rong, Modeling and simulation of load heating in heat treatment furnaces,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,174(1-3), 2006.05:109-114 EI, SCI 6199864454,046NG

14. L. He,J. Kang,T. Huang,Numerical modelling of the heat treatment with residual heat of aluminum castings.TMS Annual Meeting, v 2006, Simulation of Aluminum Shape Casting Processing: From Alloy Design to Mechanical Properties,2006.03 253-257 EI 6209884780 2006

15.Kang, Jin-Wu; Huang, Tian-You; Purushothaman, Radhakrishnan; Wang, Wei-Wei; Rong, Yi-Ming ,Modeling and simulation of heat transfer in loaded continuous heat treatment furnace, Transactions of Materials and HeatTreatment, 25(5), 2004, 764-768

16.Kang J, Rong YK, Wang W., Numerical simulation of heat transfer in loaded heat treatment furnaces,JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV 120: DEC 2004: 545-553

17.Jinwu Kang, Rohit Vaidya, Weiwei Wang and Yiming (Kevin) Rong,A System for Heat Treating Process Analysis, 2003 ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Explosition, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Sept.15-17, 2003

18.Jinwu Kangand Yiming (Kevin) Rong, Modeling and simulation of heat transfer in loaded heat treatment furnaces, The 13th International Congress on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 7-11, 2002

19. Liu Baicheng,Kang Jinwu,Zhao Haidong, Study On Macro And Micro Modeling On Solidification Process Of Shaped Casting,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2002, Vol.15, No.3

20. B.C. Liu, J.W. Kang, S.M. Xiong, A study on the numerical simulation of thermal stress during the solidification of shaped castings, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2 (2001), 157-164

25.Kang JW, Chen Y, Xiong SM, et al.,Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stress and Deformation of Engine Block Iron Casting,Int J Cast Metal Res 11: (6) 501-506 1999

26.Kang JW, Liu BC, Xiong SM,Numerical simulation of thermal stress of shaped casting based on rheological model,J MATER SCI TECHNOL 15: (3) MAY 1999,267-270

27.Kang Jinwu, Xiong Shoumei, Liu Baicheng, Study on the Prediction of Shrinkage Cavity in Steel Casting By Multi-Hot-Spot and Simultaneous Shrinkage-Feeding Method, Foundry, 1999(8): 478-481( in Chinese)

28. 熊守美、许庆彦、康进武编著,铸造过程模拟仿真技术,北京:机械工业出版社,2005。第1章数值模拟技术基础部分;第3章铸造凝固过程数值模拟部分;第5章铸件应力场数值模拟;第6章材料物性参数

29. 《中国材料工程大典》第10卷材料铸造成形工程(柳百成、黄天佑、熊守美主编),北京:机械工业出版社,2006.01,445-458,648-679。ISBN 7-5025-7321-6。康进武,第3篇材料铸造成形CAD/CAM:第4章铸造过程的应力场数值模拟。第8篇铸造生产质量管理与检测:第6章统计工艺控制SPC在铸造中的应用;第7章铸造技术专家系统;第8章铸造企业PDM

30. 柳百成,荆涛,黄天佑,熊守美,李文珍,许庆彦,康进武,铸造工程的模拟仿真与质量控制,,机械工业出版社,2001。第5章(部分)章,第9章

31. 张晓萍、康进武、吕志刚,材料加工过程企业管理信息系统,机械工业出版社,2000。第1章(部分)章,第3,4,7章

32. 铸件凝固过程热应力数值模拟软件FT-STRESS (其中有限差分/有限元集成铸件热应力分析系统【简称:FT-STRESS】v1.0获软件著作权)
