Nivek Ogre

简介:Nivek Ogre,男, 生于1962年12月5日 ,加拿大阿尔伯塔省Calgary歌手,填词者,演员,作家拥有个人乐队:OhGr现任Skinny Puppy乐队主唱歌:Icebreaker 填词:Nivek Ogre,Cevin Key 演唱:Nivek Ogrepassing ghosts heres the host  t...

Nivek Ogre的个人经历


Nivek Ogre,男, 生于1962年12月5日 ,加拿大阿尔伯塔省Calgary



现任Skinny Puppy乐队主唱

歌:Icebreaker 填词:Nivek Ogre,Cevin Key 演唱:Nivek Ogre

passing ghosts heres the host  talk of nothing matters most  urban fracture whats the matter  only i am lost  rip blade doomsday cut string  way they go away  die love  icebreaker  are words misused  enough those shameless view  icebreaker  shall sail right through  cold mirror  gives icy clues  notice shells ails the well  smell of hell dosed phantoms will  future answer does it matter  deaths the only thrill

Nivek Ogre
