
简介:硕士研究生导师 博士研究生导师1993年3月晋升为教授,1995年被遴选为博士生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴。现为山东大学物理化学省级重点学科负责人,山东大学化学与化工学院学术委员会副主任,山东省化学化工学会理事,山东省化学化工学会物理化学专业委员会主任,中国化学会理论与计算化学专业委员会委员,中国化学会化学动力学专业委员会委员,《化学物理学报》等学报编委。曾任国家自然科学基金评委。 先后3次在国际学术会议上做特邀报告,5次作大会报告。



  姓 名 刘成卜    性 别 男   出生日期 1948-09-01   职 称 教授(博导)   研究类别 物理化学   工作单位 理论 化学研究所


教学经历   1980.09-1986.07  山东大学化学系 研究生,   1986年7月获理学博士学位。导师: 中科院院士 邓从豪教授。   1987.08-1989.08  吉林大学 理论化学研究所做 博士后。导师:中科院院士 孙家钟教授。   1996.08-1996.12  日本京都大学,从事生物分子理论合作研究。合作者: 福井谦一教授( 诺贝尔化学奖获得者)、山边时雄教授。   2000.08 -2000.12  日本筑波大学, 从事 溶液理论合作研究。合作者:菊池修教授1993年3月晋升为教授,1995年被遴选为 博士生导师,享受 国务院特殊津贴。现为山东大学物理化学省级重点学科负责人, 山东大学化学与化工学院 学术委员会副主任,山东省化学化工学会理事,山东省化学化工学会物理化学专业委员会主任, 中国化学会理论与计算化学专业委员会委员,中国化学会 化学动力学专业委员会委员,《 化学物理学报》等学报编委。曾任 国家自然科学基金评委。 国际学术会议上的贡献   先后3次在国际学术会议上做特邀报告,5次作大会报告。主讲课程 1、 高等数学 2、高等 量子化学 3、分子 光谱学4、 李群与李代数 研究领域和兴趣 1. 量子化学理论方法研究; 2. 分子反应动力学理论方法研究;3. 微观与 介观体系的 分子模拟方法研究;4. 生命、药学及 材料科学中的理论化学问题。


  1. 刘成卜,邓从豪,“氢分子(H2) 基态的 相关函数与相关能”, 山东大学学报,1985年,第2期,104.2. Deng Conghao, Liu Chengbu,“N-Represent ability and Method of Linear Variation of Second-Order Reduced Density Matr ices”, J.Mol. Sci.,1985, 3(2), 151.3. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao “N-Representability of Reduced Density Matrices with Preimage Wavefunction Specified by Racah Scheme”, J. Mol. Sci., 1987, 5(2), 145.4 Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao,“Several Conclusions Concerning Diffuse Functions”, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 1987, 3(2), 56.5. 刘成卜, 邓从豪, “关于弥散函数的几个结果”, 高等学校化学学报, 1988, 9(2), 157.6. Sun Jiazhong, Li Bofu, Zeng Zonghao, Liu Chengbu“On the Construction of n-Electron States with Symplectic Symmetry”, Chem. J. Chin. Univ.,1989, 5(4), 344.7. 刘成卜,邓从豪,“BH4-, CH4, NH4+, H4O2+,H4F3+,BH32-, CH3-,NH3,H3O+,H3F2+等电子系的从头算研究”, 山东大学学报, 1989,24(3), 53.8. 刘成卜, 曾宗浩, 孙家钟,“具有 辛群对称性的一类n电子波函数的研究”, 科学通报, 1990, 第10期, 758.9. Liu Chengbu, Zeng Zonghao, Sun Jiazhong“Investigation on a Class of Wavefunctions with Symplectic Symmetry”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1990, 35,2057.10. 金北雁, 刘成卜*, 胡海泉, 孙家钟, “两类双粒子函数建造的n电子波函数的扩展及其应用”, 物理化学学报, 1990, 6, 456.11. 刘成卜, 李伯符,“辛群群链不可约表示基函数的组态相互作用方法”, 吉林大学学报, 1991, 第一期, 68.12. 胡海泉, 刘成卜*, 金北雁, 孙家钟, “具有辛群对称性的一类价激发n电子波函的性质和应用”, 高等学校化学学报, 1991, 12, 648.13. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Hu Haiquan, Jin Beiyan, “The Properties of n-Electron Wave Functions Built Up with Two Kinds of Geminals”, Int.J. Quantum Chem., 1992,42, 339.(SCI)14. Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Jin Beiyan, Hu Haiquan,“Applications of n-Electron Wave Functions Built Up with Two Kinds of Geminals”, Int. J.Quantum Chem., 1992, 43,301. (SCI)15. Ding Shiliang, Liu Chengbu, Deng Conghao, Dong Shunle,“Semiclassically Statistical Method for the Fission of Uni molecules into Two Free Radicals”, J. Mol. Sci., 1993, 9(2), 117.16. Dong Shunle, Deng Conghao, Liu Chengbu, “Theoretical Study of Multiphoton Dissociation for Resonant Decay Widths and Resonant Energies”, J. Mol. Sci., 1993,9(2), 89.17. 刘成卜, 孙华斌, 邓从豪,“硅甲基硼烯 异构化为硅硼杂烯机理理论研究”,中国博士后论文集, 国防工业出版社, 1993, 1415 - 1418.18. Sun Huabin, Liu Chengbu*, Zhao Liming,“Mechanism of the Concerted Ring Expansion of Singlet Cyclopropyl Nitrene”,Chem. Phys. Letts.,1994, 228, 268. (SCI)19. 孙华斌, 刘成卜*, 丁世良, 邓从豪, “硅甲基硼烯 异构化反应机理研究”, 化学学报, 1994, 52, 740.20. 孙华斌, 刘成卜*, 邓从豪, “环丙基氮烯开、闭环异构化反应理论研究”, 化学学报, 1994, 52, 556.21. Liu Chengbu, Sun Huabin, Lu Deng, Deng Conghao,“Theoretical Studies of the Isomerizations of Singlet and Triplet Silyl Nitrene”, Science in China (Series B), 1994, 37, 1161. (SCI)22. 刘成卜, 孙华斌, 邓从豪, “硅甲基氮烯异构化反应的理论研究”, 中国科学(B辑), 1994, 24(6), 567. (SCI)23. 王沂轩, 刘成卜, 邓从豪,“HXLiF(X=B,Al)分子几何构型的从头算”,高等学校化学学报, 1995, 16(19), 1445.(SCIE)24. 孙华斌, 刘成卜, 关大任,“ 大气臭氧损耗中 双自由基反应机理的量子化学研究”,环境科学, 1996, 17(2), 32.25. 孙利鹏, 马骜, 王沂轩, 刘成卜, “CF3C(O)F 水合作用的热力学和动力学理论研究”, 物理化学学报, 1996, 12(4), 361.26. 马骜, 孙利鹏, 王沂轩, 刘成卜, 邓从豪,“CF3CO和CF3C(O)O自由基 分解反应理论研究”, 高等学校化学学报,1996, 17(5), 777.(SCIE)27 刘成卜,“第4届中日理论化学讨论会述评”, 国际学术动态,1997,81,4528. 孙华斌, 王修德, 刘成卜, 邓从豪, “类氮烯NHLiF的构型和异构化理论研究”, 化学学报, 1997, 55, 250.(SCIE)29. Yufang Zhou, Jiajian Wang, Chengbu Liu,“The Cluster Study on Doping Energy of a-Si:H”, Solid State Commun., 1997, 103(11), 615. (SCI)30. 王沂轩,刘成卜,孙利鹏,马骜,“CF3C(O)F 解离和异构化反应的热力学和动力学理论研究”,山东大学学报, 1997, 32(3),302.31. 赵黎明,孙华斌,刘成卜,“大气臭氧损耗中的 Diels-Alder反应”,《研究与探索》, 上海科学技术出版社,上海,1997 年6月第一版,130-135.32. 胡海泉, 刘成卜,“二氟硅 杂环丙烯异构化反应的理论研究”, 物理化学学报, 1998,14(4), 349.(SCIE)33. 卢秀慧,王沂轩,刘成卜, 邓从豪, “硅烯与甲醛 环加成反应的理论研究”,化学学报,1998,56,1075-1080.(SCI)34. Yufang Zhou and Chengbu Liu, “Theoretical study of C-H bonds of a-C:H”, J. Phys.Chem. s. 1998, 59, 1021-1023. (SCI)35. 胡海泉,刘成卜,“双自由基CF2与O3的反应机理”,物理化学学报,1998,14, 1104.(SCIE)36. 胡海泉,刘成卜,“硅杂环丙烯异构化反应的理论研究”,化学学报,1998,56,1180. (SCI)37. 胡海泉, 刘成卜,“双自由基 CH2与O3反应机理的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,1998,19,2023.(SCIE)38. 卢秀慧,王沂轩,刘成卜,“锗烯与甲醛环加成反应的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,1998,19,2001-2004.(SCIE)39. 胡海泉,刘成卜,“ 单重态CCl2与O3反应机理的理论研究”,化学学报,1999,57,29.(SCI)40. 卢秀慧, 王沂轩, 刘成卜,“二氯硅烯与乙烯和甲醛环加成反应机理的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,1999,20,612-615 (SCI)41. 卢秀慧,刘成卜,邓从豪,“二氟硅烯与甲醛环加成反应机理的理论研究”,物理化学学报,1999,15,78-81.(SCIE)42. 卢秀慧, 王沂轩, 刘成卜,“锗烯与乙烯环加成反应的理论研究”,化学学报,1999,57,1343.(SCI)43. 张冬菊,李林尉, 冯大诚, 步宇翔,刘成卜,“溶液中M(H2O)62+/3+(M=V,Cr,Mn, Fe,Co)自交换电子转移体系内层重组能和 活化能的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,1999,20,945-950. (SCI)44. Yuxiang Bu, Xinyu Song and Chengbu Liu, "Theoretical Study of V2+OH2/V3+OH2 Electron Transfer Reactivity at Electron Correlation Level", J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 4485-4493. (SCI)45. Wen Cai Lu, Cheng Bu Liu and Chia Chung Sun,"Theoretical Study of the H3PNH+H2CO Reaction Mechanism Via Five Reaction Channels", J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 1078-1083. (SCI)46. Wang Yi-Xuan, Li Lin-Wei, Bian Wen-Sheng, Liu Cheng-Bu*, Deng Cong-Hao, "On the accuracy of the potential harmonic functions", Chin. J. Chem., 1999,17(6), 561-569. (SCI)47. Dongju Zhang, Yuxiang Bu and Chengbu Liu, "Theoretical Study of the Inner-Sphere Energy Barrier of the Transition-Metal Complex M(H2O)62+/3+ in Electron-Transfer Process", Int. J. Quantum Chem., 1999, 75, 119-126. (SCI)48. Hai Quan Hu, Yong Jun Liu, Da Cheng Feng, Cheng Bu Liu*, “Ground State Spins of Bicarbenes and Binitrenes, Coupled through Electron-Rich Rings”, Chin.Chem. Lett., 1999, 10(11), 937-940.(SCIE)49. Yuxiang Bu, Xingyu Song, Chengbu Liu, “ Cr2+OH2/Cr3+OH2 electron transfer reactivity: an ab initio study at UMP2/6-311+G* level including all electron correlation”, J.Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 1999, 489, 141-149. (SCI)50. Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu, “O2+O2-electron transfer reactivity in the quartet state from ab initio calculation including electron correlation”, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 1999, 490, 7-20. (SCI)51. Y.F. Zhou and C.B.Liu, “Theoretical study of HOCl adsorption on ice surface”, J.Phys. Chem. s., 1999, 60, 2001-2004. (SCI)52. Hai Quan Hu, Xian Zhao, Da Cheng Feng, Cheng Bu Liu*, “Coupling between Two No Radicals Linked through Electron-Rich Rings”, Chin.Chem.lett., 2000, 11(2), 123-126.(SCIE)53. Dongju Zhang, Fangzhen Liang, Dacheng Feng, Chengbu Liu, “Ab initio study of the reorganization barrier for bent triatomic species”, Chem. Phys. Letters, 2000,317, 430-436. (SCI)54. Dongju Zhang, Bingyou Zhuang, Dacheng Feng, Chengbu Liu, "Theoretical Study of Self-Exchange Electron-Transfer Reactions for the M(H2O)62+/3+ (M=V, Cr, Mn, and Fe) Systems", Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2000, 78,32-41. (SCI)55. 王沂轩, 弭 云杰, 刘成卜*, “类氦离子 1, 3P 激发态Schrodinger 方程的直接解“, 化学物理学报,2000,13(3),270-274.56. Bian Wensheng, Liu Chengbu and H.J.Werner, "A fully ab initio potential energy surface for ClH2 reactive system", Science in China (Series B),2000,43(4),396-404. (SCI)57.Yufang Zhou, Chengbu Liu, "Ab initio Study of Ice Catalyzation of HOCl +HCl Reaction", Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2000,78,281. (SCI)58. Haiquan Hu, Dongju Zhang, Zhida Chen, Chengbu Liu*, "Influence of structural parameters of Cu2O2 core on magnetic coupling in alkoxo-bridged Cu(II) binuclear system", Chem. Phys. Lets. , 2000, 329, 255-260. (SCI)59. 刘成卜,“ 计算化学要理论与实验相结合”,国际学术动态,2000,109(4),63.60. 边文生, 刘成卜, H.J.Werner, "ClH2反应体系的一个完全从头算的 势能面", 中国科学(B辑), 2000, 30(5), 473. (SCI)61. 任燕, 冯大诚, 刘成卜, " 聚醚类材料 模型化合物接触 电荷转移复合物的理论研究", 山东大学学报, 2000,35(3), 310.62. Wang Yixuan, Bu Yuxiang, Liu Chengbu*, "Exact Radial Solution of the Non-relativistic Schrodinger Equation for the Helium Atom with the Potential Harmonic Method", Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 2000,16,213-217. (SCI)63.Wang Yixuan, Zhuang Bingyou, Liu Chengbu*, "Performance of Hyperspherical Harmonic Expansion on the Low-lying P and D States of Helium Atom", Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 2000,16, 351-355. (SCI)64. 杨国生, 严波, 雷林, 王文刚,刘成卜,“三唑烯醇 手性识别的 分子力学研究”,高等学校化学学报,2000,21,1745-1747. (SCI)65 Yongjun Liu, Ying Liu, Xianghe Kong, Min Xia, Chengbu Liu, “Theoretical Investigation on Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Benzothiazole Derivatives”, J. Theor. & Exp. Chem., 2000, 36, 333. 66. 张冬菊, 胡海泉, 刘永军,步宇翔,刘成卜,“Co(H2O)62+/3+体系电子转移 反应动力学的理论研究”,物理化学学报, 2000,16,855.(SCIE)67. Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu, “The Orientation and Distance-Dependence Analysis of the Electron Transfer Reactivity: An Electron Correlation Level Investigation of Mn2+(H2O)2/Mn3+(H2O)2 System”, J. Comput. Chem. 2000,21,1387. (SCI)68. 刘永军,刘 英, 赵 显,刘成卜,“新型双重电荷转移分子的二阶 非线性光学性质的理论研究”, 化学学报,2001,59,48-55.(SCI)69. Liu Yongjun, Liu Ying, Zhao Xian, Hu Haiquan, Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, “Theoretical Study on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Thiazole Derivatives”, Chin. J. Chem., 2001,19(4), 332. (SCI)70. 刘永军, 刘英,刘成卜*,“N—甲基— 吡咯烷并[3,4] C60衍生物的结构, 电子光谱和二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究”,化学学报,2001,59,906.(SCI) 71. 刘永军, 刘英 , 赵显, 刘成卜*,“氮杂联 苯乙烯系列衍生物的二阶非线性光学性质的理论研究”, 高等学校化学学报,2001,22,1016.(SCI)72. Haiquan Hu, Dongju Zhang, Yongju Liu, Chengbu Liu*, “Magnetic Coupling Mechanism in Singly Bridged Binuclear Systems”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2001,340,370. (SCI)73. Haiquan Hu, Yongju Liu, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, “Effect of Structural and Chemical Parameters on Magnetic Coupling in Hydroxo-Bridged Cu(II) Dimer”, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 546, 73. (SCI)74. Dongju Zhang, Haiquan Hu, Yongjun Liu, Chengbu Liu, “The electron transfer reaction for Co(H2O)62+/3+”, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 543, 177. (SCI)75. 张冬菊, 庄丙游, 刘永军, 胡海泉, 刘成卜, “非金属氧化- 还原反应对MO2/MO2-(M=N,S,Cl)电子转移反应动力学”, 高等学校化学学报, 2001, 22, 810. (SCI)76. Yongjun Liu, Dongju Zhang, Haiquan Hu, Chengbu Liu, “Theoretical studies on the electronic spectra and second-order nonlinear optical properties of N-methyl-2-(2-thiophene)-pyrrolo[3,4]C60”, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCH), 2001, 545, 97. (SCI)77. 胡海泉,刘成卜*,刘永军,张冬菊, 毕思玮,“ 草酸根桥联双核铜(II)体系的 磁耦合机理”, 化学学报,2001,59,1054.(SCI)78. 张冬菊,刘成卜*, “ 过渡金属离子与烷烃反应机理的理论研究”, 化学学报, 2001,59,1406.(SCI)79. Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, Hu Haiquan, Liu Yongjun, “Density Functional Studies of the C-F Bond Activation metal redox pairs M(H2O)62+/3+(M=V,Cr,Mn,Fe and Co)”, New J.Chem.,2002,26,361-366.(SCI)84.Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, Liu Yongjun, Hu Haiquan, “Density Functional Study on the Reaction Mechanism for the Reaction of Ni+ with Ethane”, Chin. J. Chem., 2002,20,220-226.(SCI)85.Liu yongjun, Hu Haiquan, Zhang Dongju, Liu Chengbu*, “ZINDO-SOS Studies on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Thiophene S, S-Dioxide Chromophores”, Chem. Res. Chin. U., 2002,18(1), 42-46. (SCIE)86.Dong JU Zhang, Cheng Bu Liu*, “Density Functional Studies of the Reaction of Ytterbium Monocation with Fluoromethane: C-F Bond and Electron-Transfer Reactivity”, Chin. Chem. Letters, 2002,13(4), 359-362. (SCI)87.王沂轩, 张长桥,刘成卜*,“超 球坐标下引入含簇结构相关函数初探”,山东大学学报,2002,37(1),70-73.88.张冬菊,张长桥,刘成卜*,“过渡金属离子与烷烃反应机理的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报, 2002,23,876-879.(SCI) 89.张冬菊, 宋其圣,刘成卜*,“ 吩噻嗪与四甲基 哌啶氧铵 正离子的电子转移反应动力学研究”, 结构化学,2002,21,325-330.(SCI)90.Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, Changqiao Zhang, “Structural Modeling and Magnetostructural Correlations for Heterobinuclear Cu(II)-Ni(II) Complex”, Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2002, 88, 347-354. (SCI)91.Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, Siwei Bi, “Density Functional Studies of the Reactions of Lanthanide Monocations with Fluoromethane: C-F Bond Activation and Electron-Transfer Reactivity”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106, 4153-4157. (SCI)92.毕思玮,刘成卜*,“以 N-N基团为单桥的双核Cu(II)体系磁-结构关联的理论研究”,化学学报,2002,60(8),1390-1395. (SCI)93.Youmin Sun, Hongyu Zhang, Dezhan Chen and Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical Elucidation on the Antioxidant Mechanism of Curcumin: A DFT Study”, Org. Letters, 2002,4(17),2909-2911.(SCI)94.孟凡翠,步宇翔,刘成卜,“吡啶-BH3相互作用复合物的理论研究”,化学学报,2002,60,7-12. (SCI)95.Fancui Meng, Yuxiang Bu, Chengbu Liu, “Theoretical study of the pyridine-BF3 complex”, J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) , 2002, 588, 1-8. (SCI)96.Daren Guan, Xizhang Yi, Qingtian Meng, Yujun Zheng, Chengbu Liu, Yuansheng Jiang, “Statistical mechanics in rotationally inelastic scattering of molecules from surface within the dynamical Lie algebraic method”, Chem. Phys. 2002,280,239-255. (SCI)97. Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, Haiquan Hu, “Theoretical Study on Magnetostructural Correlation in Unsymmetrical Oxamidocopper (II) Complexes”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2002, 106, 10786-10792. (SCI)98.Wu Ailing, Liu Chengbu, Zhao Xian, Bian Xiufang, "Hyperspherical Harmonic Expansions of Potential 1/rjt of Molecular Systems", Chin. J Chem., 2002,20,968-971.(SCI)99. Youmin Sun, Dezhan Chen, Chengbu Liu*,“Evaluation of the effectiveness of AM1 geometry used in calculating O-H bond dissociation enthalpy”, J. Mol. Struc. (Theochem) , 2002,618,181-189.(SCI)100. 周玉芳,刘成卜*, “有机 生色团分子的内部极化机制”,高等学校化学学报,2002,23(增刊),191-193.(SCI)101.孟凡翠,刘成卜*, “ 吡啶-BX3(X=H,F,Cl)相互作用的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,2002,23(增刊),313-316.(SCI)102.胡海泉, 陈志达,刘成卜,“端接配体原子的电负性对磁耦合作用的影响”,化学学报,2002,60,1794-1797.((SCI)103.Haiquan Hu, Zhida Chen, Chengbu Liu, “Useful Parameter Describing Magnetic Interactions in Extended Bis-Bidentate Bridged Dimers”, Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2003, 92, 428-432.(SCI)104.Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, Siwei Bi, and Shiling Yuan, “ A Comprehensive Theoretical Study on the Reactions of Sc+ with CnH2n+2(n=1-3): Structure, Mechanism, and Potential-Energy Surface”, Chem. Eur. J., 2003,9,484-501. (SCI)105.Fancui Meng, Chengbu Liu*, Weiren Xu, “Substituent effects of R (R=CH3,CH3O,F and NO2 ) on the A:T and C:G base pairs: a theoretical study”, Chem. Phys. 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You-min Sun, Cheng-Bu Liu*, Xian-Jie Lin and Si-wei Bi, “Theoretical study on the magneto-structural correlation in imidazolate bridged Cu(II) binuclear complexes”, New J. Chem., 2004,28,270-274.(SCI)114. Siwei Bi, Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical study of magnetic coupling interaction in terephthalato-bridged Ni(II) binuclear systems”, Inter. J. Quantum Chem., 2004, 97, 802-807.(SCI)115. Guosheng Yang, Shiling Yuan, Xianjie Lin,Zhongnan Qi, Chengbu Liu,Hongxiao Tian, Guy Felix and Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, “A Study of Interaction in High Performance Liquid Chromatography by Molecular Modeling”,Analytical Letters,2004,37,529-543.(SCI)116.刘成卜,武剑, 郑斌,“应当进一步加强处理复杂化学体系的理论方法研究”,《新世纪的物理化学——学科前沿与展望》, 国家自然科学基金委员会组编,北京, 科学出版社,2004年4月第一版,81-98.117. Fancui Meng, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical study of incorporating 6-thioguanine into a guanine tetrad and their influence on the metal ion-guanine tetrad”, Chem. Phys. Letters, 2004,389,421-426.(SCI)118. Fancui Meng, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical study of various H-bond nonclassical A:T and G:C pairs”, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 2004,677,85-90. (SCI)119.徐为人,王建武,刘成卜*,“ 苯甲醛肟偶极互变反应的理论研究”,高等学校化学学报,2004,25,880.(SCI)120. Daren Guan, Xian Zhao, Xizhang Yi, Chengbu Liu, and Yuansheng Jiang, “Statistical Dynamics of Energy Transfer in Direct Inelastic Gas-Surface Scattering within Dynamical Lie Algebraic Method”, in: Horizons in World Physics(Editor:A.Reimer),Vol.244,229-250.2004 Nova Science Publishers,Inc.121.Sun Youmin, Wang Ruoxi, Yuan Shiling, Lin Xianjie, Liu Chengbu*, “Theoretical Study on the Antioxidant Activity of Curcumin”, Chin. J. Chem., 2004,22,827-830. (SCI)122. Guo-Sheng Yang, Shi-Ling Yuan, Xian-Jie Lin, Zhong-Nan Qi, Cheng-Bu Liu, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Guy F¨¦lix, “The study of chiral discrimination of organophosphonate derivatives on pirkle type chiral stationary phase by olecular modeling”, Talanta, 2004,64,320-325.( SCI)123.张长桥, 魏云鹤,秦敬玉,刘成卜*,“热浸镀过程上浮 熔渣形核期 原子团簇研究”,中国科学,B辑,2004,34,329-333.(SCI)124.孙友敏,刘成卜*, 王若曦,“铜(II) 氮氧自由基 配合物铁磁耦合机理的理论研究”, 化学学报,2004,62,2303-2307. (SCI)125.Weiren Xu, Jianwu Wang, Chengbu Liu*, Chenglung Chen, “Experimental and Computational Studies of isomerization between Z and E isomers of Bezaldoximes”, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 2004,51,12611266.(SCI)126.Fancui Meng, Huanjie Wang, Weiren Xu, Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical Study of GC+/GC base derivatives”, Chem. 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(SCI)133.Gao Jun, Zou Wenli, Liu Wenjian, Xiao Yunlong, peng Daoling, Song Bo, Liu Chengbu, “Time-dependent four-component relativistic density-functional theory for excitation energies.II. The exchange- correlation kernel”, J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 123, 054102-1-13. (SCI)134.Chengbu Liu, Youmin Sun, Bin Zheng, Ruoxi Wang, “Theoretical study on magneto-structural correlation in axially coordinated complexes of copper(II) with nitronyl nitroxide radical”, Chem. Phys. Letters, 2005, 411, 416-422. (SCI)135. Ruoxi Wang, Dongju Zhang, Chengbu Liu*, “Theoretical prediction of a novel inorganic fullerene-like family of silicon-carbon materials”, Chem. Phys. lett., 2005,411,333-338.(SCI)136.Qi Zhongnan, Zhang Chanqiao, Wang Ruoxi, Liu Chengbu*, Chen Zhenglong, “Investigation of Microstructures and Anti-corrosion Properties of Alumonoim-Zinc Alloys”, Chin. J. Chem., 2005, 23, 1182-1186. (SCI)


  目前在研的科研项目:1 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 核酸 电荷传递超 快过程的微观机理研究,42万元,项目编号:201330202 国家自然科学基金项目: 三核及简单一维链体系磁相互作用的理论研究,22万元,批准号:20373033。3 国家科委 国家重点基础研究发展计划( 973计划)项目。项目名称:生命体系识别和调控过程中重要化学问题的基础研究。课题名称:组合QM/MM计算方法及其在 生物酶中的应用。50万元,课题编号:2004CB719902.4 中国石油天然气(集团)总公司: 非晶态超高分子聚合物 工程热力学参数理论计算及物系分子力学模拟,30万元,项目编号:20021030A。5 中国石油天然气(集团)总公司:高性能减阻聚合物的分子设计研究,49万元,批准号:20041011A。科研成果 1 1991年,国家教委和 国务院学位委员会授予“做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者”荣誉称号。2 1986年,国家教委科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:量子化学 基础理论研究。3 1991年,国家教委科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:量子化学和分子反应动力学的理论及应用。4 1996年, 中国人民解放军科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:广义双 自由基氮烯、硼烯结构和反应性能的量子化学研究。5 1997年,山东省科学进步三等奖,获奖项目:荷移动力学机制的相关性质研究。6 1989年,山东省教委科技进步二等奖,获奖项目: 卡宾等分子电子结构的研究。7 1990年,山东省教委科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:原子分子量子散射的理论研究及量子化学的某些应用。8 2002年, 山东省教育厅,山东高等学校优秀科研成果一等奖。获奖项目:多金属体系磁耦合行为的理论研究。9 2002年,山东省教育厅,山东高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖,。获奖项目:第IV 主族元素饱和烯类化合物环加成反应的理论研究10 1996年, 山东大学优秀科技成果一等奖,获奖项目:氮烯类化合物结构和反应性能理论研究。

