
简介:The Reason 4乐队由来自英格兰南安普敦的四位十年好友组成:Marc、Glenn、Scot、 Nathan 。在英国偶像X-Factor第七季上四人一鸣惊人,草根出身的四人获得评委的好评和观众的认同。《Take It All》是乐队的首支单曲,由知名作词人Andrew...


关于The Reason 4乐队

The Reason 4乐队由来自英格兰南安普敦的四位十年好友组成:Marc、Glenn、Scot、 Nathan 。在英国偶像X-Factor第七季上四人一鸣惊人,草根出身的四人获得评委的好评和观众的认同。《Take It All》是乐队的首支单曲,由知名作词人Andrew Murray与乐队一起完成。



Age: 28

Occupation : Singer!

Loves: Watching Films and Socialising with Friends

The Reason 4

Hates: Rainy Days (because he cant work on his tan!)

Favourite Food: Peppercorn Steak

Musical Influences: Justin Timberlake , Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga

Interesting Fact : Really Stretchy Skin and Double Jointed Shoulders!

Band Role: The Centre of Attention !


Age: 26

Occupation : Singer! Ex- Painter / Decorator

Loves: Football, Clothes and Gym

Hates: The idea of getting old!

Favourite Food: Junk food and chocolate

Musical Influences: Boys I I Men, Craig David and Usher

Interesting Fact : I Can Shake My Eyeballs!!

Band Role: Joker - Always Playing Pranks on Scott


Age: 28

Occupat ion: Singer, Ex-Crane Driver

Loves: Soppy movies, Working Out and skittles! (the sweets!)

Hates: Being shouted at (makes him cry) and people who take life to se riously!

Favourite Food: Thai Green Curry

Musical Influences: N’Sync, Backstreet Boys , Five and Johnny Cash

Interesting Fact : Terrified of Insects

Band Role: Agony Aunt - Sensitive One!


Age: 29

Occupation: Singer! Ex-Electrician

Loves: Brea kdancing, BMXing , Free Running and Family Guy!

Hates: Rude People and Traffic (grr)

Favourite Food: Pizza

Musical Influences: Michael Jackson , Stevie Wonder , Brian McKnight and Maxwell

Intere sting Fact: A ddicted to red bull

Band Role: Comedian but Level Headed

乐队首张专辑《Crying out loud》

乐队首张mini专辑《Crying out loud》于2011年8月7日发行,包含6首歌曲:Take it all、Broken、Better man、Empty bottles、Over ang over、 Live on your love。专辑走复古流行pop路线,四人声线各有特色,Glenn的副歌部分令人印象深刻。
